Voltron is the eponymous super robot of an anime series that features a team of Earth humans, known as the Voltron Force. The team’s individual vehicles join together to form the giant super robot, with which they defend the galaxy from evil. Initially produced as a joint venture between World Events Productions and Toei Animation, the original TV series aired in syndication from September 10, 1984 to November 18, 1985. The program was titled Voltron: Defender of the Universe.
Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltron
Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltron
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Obrigado, porque você gosta do meu blog ... Eu vi seu blog .... bom também e eu gosto do Hulk, um grande
BalasHapuswill you ever make the rest?
BalasHapusGan, bisa minta tolong di upload ulang? Linknya sudah mati.
BalasHapuslink off...please reup!!!
BalasHapusPlease update the link. I want this voltron papercraft please. Thank you.
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BalasHapusplease update this link, please